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miercuri, 15 aprilie 2015


Marele Zid Chinezesc este o construcție strategică de mii de kilometri lungime, cu rol de apărare. Zidul a fost construit cu scopul de apărare a graniței imperiului chinez contra atacurilor popoarelor nomade din nordul Chinei.
Marele Zid Chinezesc are o lungime de 21.196,18 kilometri, conform unor măsurători care au durat cinci ani şi au fost făcute publice de curând, scrie Daily Mail.

The Great Wall of China is a lot greater than anyone thought.
The first formal measurement of the world's largest man-made structure revealed the wall was more than twice as long as previous estimates.
In an archaeological survey that took five years to complete, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced yesterday that the wall measures 21,196.18 km (13,170.69 miles).

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